Stage of mung bean growth

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Mung beans are part of the Fabaceae family of plants, which means that the seeds of this plant come from the pods; however, mung bean, probably the best known as soybean sprouts. These grains are edible, safe for human consumption, raw or cooked, and are a sweet aroma, thus introducing this bean into frozen ice desserts in Asian countries. Honeybees have a similar growth cycle, as do other legumes, which begin as a seed and grow in the form of food.


Mung beans usually germinate within four or five days; however, the actual rate of germination varies depending on the amount of moisture introduced during the germination stage. Watering the bean seeds every four to five hours leads to faster germination.

read also: Fantastic Health Benefits Of Black Matpe Beans


After germination, the seeds of the plants are divided and grow soft root, whitish. It was during this stage of growth, many mung beans are collected in the form of soybean sprouts, which are a common addition to Asian cuisine. If the grains are harvested after an initial growth in the mung bean root system developed, as well as the continuation of the green shoot growth cycle of the soil plants. This stem generally comprises two leaves. As the plant continues to grow, seed pods begin to form in its branches. Each capsule contains 10 to 15 seeds, while the average plant contains 30 to 40 seeds.


As soon as the plant matures, it can take up to 60 days, the mung bean plant can reach up to 30 inches tall and has several branches with seeds. Ripe seed pods change color from black to yellowish brown, and the actual seeds vary from yellow, black to green. While most seed pods become a darker color, some seed pods are still green.

If you want to buy green mung bean in Myanmar, you can visits at BaganTrade website, which is Myanmar’s first and the only B2B website that engage local and global market.

read also: Benefits of Mung Bean Sprouts

Fantastic Health Benefits Of Black Matpe Beans

Fantastic Health Benefits Of Black Matpe Beans

Black gram is part of an Asiatic Vigna crop group. It really is an annual pulse that is grown primarily as a rotating steam culture with rice. Similarly, like the other pulses, black matpe, such as legumes, enriches the nitrogen content in the soil and has a relatively short (90-120 days) adulthood.

Health benefits of Black gram

Probably the best known and rich in Black matpe nutrients. This is actually happening in South Asia, particularly in India, where it has been cultivated for thousands of years. This gram bean belongs to the family as well as the mung bean varieties. This is commonly known as Urad Dal, which is consumed by people in almost every corner of the nation, as an important part of their daily diet. Urad dal gave healthier compared to almost all other grains available for sale. It can be consumed daily as it has many amazing qualities that are excellent for health. Here are some of the health benefits of black matpe beans.

1. Energy Booster

Black gram is very healthy pulse as it is full of iron. This can help increase energy levels in the body and maintain activity. This is especially important for women who go through menstruation, who have a high probability of iron deficiency. Consumption Urad dal increases your energy significantly, as it creates a reserve of iron in the body.

read also: Health Benefits Of Mung Beans

2. Improves Digestion

The best benefit of swallowing black matpe given food digestion is improved because of its rich fiber content. Black matpe health benefits because it has soluble and insoluble fiber, which are excellent for digestion and also help prevent constipation.

3. Boosts Heart Health

It was found that black matpe is useful for improving the health of your heart. The fiber inside the lentil helps to lower cholesterol levels as well as sodium and potassium helps to balance the action thus helping reduce high blood pressure levels. The power, in the same way as the folic acid and magnesium present in this particular lentils, works well to avoid damage to the arterial wall. Magnesium improves blood circulation, helping your heart to function in an optimal state. Studies also show that black matpe can help reduce blood lipids and cholesterol in the body. Hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis risk factors and cardiovascular diseases may be amenable to treatment along with black gram. These types of black seeds have the ability to inhibit lipid absorption and cholesterol procedure.

4. Action on male reproductive system

Black matpe recognized as a natural aphrodisiac as it treats sexual dysfunction. Soak black matpe in water for 5-6 hours and then fried it in ghee. Maintain this particular pulse, to have a healthy sex life. In addition, it improves the secretion of milk in lactating mothers.

5. Muscle building

Black matpe is a rich source of protein and is therefore ideal for growth and development of the body, as well as for strengthening and building muscle tissue.

6. Excellent for diabetes

Black matpe is good enough for diabetes disease and has shown good results when used along with a bitter juice and honey. In such treatment the unnecessary consumption of carbohydrates should be limited.

7. Nervous disorders

This is important in certain associated with nervous system problems such as nervous fatigue, memory weakness, schizophrenia, hysteria, and so on.

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8. Black gram has anti-inflammatory properties

Ayurvedic treatment treats black matpe as an excellent medicine to combat inflammation (as well as joint pain) because of its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Study together with a black matpe extract confirm anti-inflammatory properties. Hot poultice lentils placed on the affected area can help reduce the inflammation and pain associated with it. Massage area along with the oil, which contains Vigna mungo, additionally useful in reducing inflammation and pain.

9. Black gram increases immunity

When using lentils, thus favorites, their use has been typical in traditional Ayurveda in which it has been used to combat numerous diseases. In fact, it is considered a food that increases immunity. In laboratory studies with black gram extract, researchers were able to observe their ability to stimulate the immune system in rats.

10. Home remedy for pain and inflammation of the joints

A decoction obtained by boiling black gram together with rock salt and sesame oil, when used in the affected area, is valuable in reducing inflammation and pain. This is especially useful for people who suffer from joint pain and arthritis.

11. Black gram for diabetic patient

Vigna Mungo is a great food alternative for people who are struggling with diabetes as they are rich in fiber. A diet that contains large amounts of fiber works well to control blood glucose levels and helps prevent peaks in these levels, especially after meals. The excellent home treatment for diabetics to keep their blood glucose levels under control has to take black gram (incipient) with a half cup of bitter gourd once a day for about 4 months.

12. Black gram for bones

Black gram is packed with protein as well as minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, which promote healthy growth and repair of healthy bones. The nutrients in the lentils strengthen bones and help prevent problems such as osteoporosis, which is a decrease in bone density as well as bone mass that makes your bones easily vulnerable to damage and fractures.

13. Black gram is good for pregnant women

Pregnant women are often advised to include black matpe in their diet because of their high nutritional value. Black matpe is very rich source of iron, necessary for the creation of hemoglobin and increase blood flow. In addition, it is full of protein, dietary fiber and nutrients such as folic acid, which is not only ideal for pregnant women, but also for the fetus, as this helps prevent birth defects.

In addition, the black matpe offers a number of health benefits, it can work wonders for the skin and hair. It is filled with minerals that make the skin soft and supple. These are techniques that allow you to include a black gram in your beauty routine.

read also: Surprising Benefits of Sprouts for Weight Loss and Hair Fall

Health Benefits Of Mung Beans

Health Benefits Of Mung Beans

Mung Beans offer antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive and anti-tumor effects.

Lowers Cholesterol & Heart Disease Risk

By preventing the oxidation of LDL, mung beans preserve purity of arteries and improve circulation. Not only this, they reduce inflammation and reverse damage to blood vessels.

The prevention of plaque deposition, the risk of heart attack and stroke is also reduced.

It is easier to digest between grains

Although all grains and legumes have gas and swelling in some people, mung beans are easier to digest. Soaking the beans in water before cooking, as well as their germination reduces this problem.

Reduces high blood pressure

A study conducted in 2014, published in the journal Chemistry Central Journal, found that rats treated with extracts of mung bean outbreaks in the past month, there was a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure.

It is believed that peptides that are present at high levels in these grains, prevent the reduction of blood vessels.

read also: Health Benefits of Eating Sprouts for Your Hair

Fight cancer

High levels of amino acids, oligosaccharides and polyphenols provide high levels of antioxidants not only in the fight against tumors and cancer but also protect against DNA damage and cell mutation.

The flavonoids vitexin and isovitexin have a good activity against free radicals that help reduce oxidative stress, which causes cancer.

It was found in a study of the University of Food Science and Nutrition Engineering at China Agriculture University.

Reduces symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

The various B complex vitamins, especially folic acid and B6, and magnesium help various vitamins regulate the hormonal fluctuations that cause PMS symptoms.

Prevention and possibly treatment of type 2 diabetes

Not only that, Mung Bean reduces blood glucose levels, but it also reduces the level of total cholesterol, triglycerides, plasma C peptide and glucagon levels, as found in a study conducted by the Institute’s plant The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2008.

Mung beans also improve glucose tolerance and increase insulin sensitivity.

Helps reduce weight and fight obesity

Mung Beans are a hearty meal. The high levels of protein and protein cause a much longer saturation of the cholecystokinin hormone doubling increase compared to meals, devoid of these grains.

Therefore, consumption of mung bean regularly helps to reduce food intake, which reduces weight and combat obesity.

read also: 10 Wonderful Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds

It increases immunity and protects against infection

A wide variety of phytonutrients in mung bean is not only anti-inflammatory, but also anti-microbial. They help fight harmful bacteria and viruses, keep the intestinal bacteria healthy and increase the level of immunity. They provide optimal health of the gastrointestinal tract and thus contribute to optimal absorption of nutrients.

An excellent source of high quality protein

Along with the high protein level, mung beans contain high levels of globulin and albumin, the main storage proteins. They represent more than 60% of the total amino acids.

Other amino acids, including leucine, isoleucine and valine, make mung bean protein, a complete protein.

For vegetarians and vegan beans are a magician, therefore, they are an important source of excellent and complete protein, which is easily digestible.

Benefits are provided for detoxification

Our ancestors knew about the detoxification effects of mung bean. It is believed that proteins, tannins and other polyphenols, along with organophosphorus pesticides, mercury, arsenic and other heavy metals, facilitating their removal from the body.

Improves skin health

Mung bean phytoestrogens have benefits against aging as they stimulate the production of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid *, all that is needed for younger, healthier skin.

If you want to buy green mung beans in Myanmar, you can visits at BaganTrade website, which is Myanmar’s first and the only B2B international trading platform that engage local and global market.

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Health Benefits of Eating Sprouts for Your Hair

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Healthy hair – is just a reflection of a healthy body. If you want it to shine, you have to take care of it. Here are the ways in which hair can benefit when you eat sprouted foods:

Long hair

It is well known that hair needs vitamins C and K, to become stronger and for a long time. In particular, vitamin C has been actively involved in combating the negative effects of oxidation. Mung bean sprouts are a great way to prevent hair loss. In addition, cabbages, rich in protein, make hair soft and shiny.

read also: 10 Wonderful Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds

Strong hair

Vitamin E is present in sprouted cereals and legumes, and improves blood circulation in the skull. Therefore, hair roots get more food, and their hair is much stronger and more beautiful. In addition, minerals like iron, allow enough oxygen to reach their strands of hair and their roots. This allows them to stay healthy.

Thick hair

Sprouts are packed with vitamin A, which is responsible for the activation of hair growth of new follicles. Lack of this vitamin can lead to significant hair loss and dryness; It is therefore important to fill the most effective way – by consuming outbreaks in food. In addition, germinated foods are very good for restoring hormonal balance, which is high among the causes of hair loss.

read also: Top 10 Amazing Benefits of Onions for Hair

Young-looking hair

Free radicals are a major cause of gray hair ahead of time. Since the buds contain many powerful antioxidants, they protect it from staining and premature loss of brightness. Do not forget to include these small plants in your diet to make your hair look younger as long as possible.

Elastic hair

Omega-3, which you get by eating sprouts are really necessary if you want your hair not to be crisp and dry. They nourish roots and follicles that have a vibrant and shiny appearance. In addition, biotin sprouted food can give life to your dry and brittle hair as well as contribute to its growth.

If you want to buy green mung beans in Myanmar, you can visit at, which is Myanmar’s first and the only B2B international trading platform that engage local and global market.

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