Health Benefits of Eating Sprouts for Your Hair

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Healthy hair – is just a reflection of a healthy body. If you want it to shine, you have to take care of it. Here are the ways in which hair can benefit when you eat sprouted foods:

Long hair

It is well known that hair needs vitamins C and K, to become stronger and for a long time. In particular, vitamin C has been actively involved in combating the negative effects of oxidation. Mung bean sprouts are a great way to prevent hair loss. In addition, cabbages, rich in protein, make hair soft and shiny.

read also: 10 Wonderful Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds

Strong hair

Vitamin E is present in sprouted cereals and legumes, and improves blood circulation in the skull. Therefore, hair roots get more food, and their hair is much stronger and more beautiful. In addition, minerals like iron, allow enough oxygen to reach their strands of hair and their roots. This allows them to stay healthy.

Thick hair

Sprouts are packed with vitamin A, which is responsible for the activation of hair growth of new follicles. Lack of this vitamin can lead to significant hair loss and dryness; It is therefore important to fill the most effective way – by consuming outbreaks in food. In addition, germinated foods are very good for restoring hormonal balance, which is high among the causes of hair loss.

read also: Top 10 Amazing Benefits of Onions for Hair

Young-looking hair

Free radicals are a major cause of gray hair ahead of time. Since the buds contain many powerful antioxidants, they protect it from staining and premature loss of brightness. Do not forget to include these small plants in your diet to make your hair look younger as long as possible.

Elastic hair

Omega-3, which you get by eating sprouts are really necessary if you want your hair not to be crisp and dry. They nourish roots and follicles that have a vibrant and shiny appearance. In addition, biotin sprouted food can give life to your dry and brittle hair as well as contribute to its growth.

If you want to buy green mung beans in Myanmar, you can visit at, which is Myanmar’s first and the only B2B international trading platform that engage local and global market.

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Why You Need to Sell Online: 7 Benefits of E-commerce Sites


Why You Need to Sell Online 7 Benefits of E-commerce Sites

The moment you have an office or shop, you control all your business operations and distribution of your products among customers. However, if you want to quickly find a way to increase your sales, reduce your operating costs and increase profits for your business, e-commerce site is going to be an effective way for you.


Internet is a powerful platform that supply a comprehensive understanding of ecommerce websites. There are millions of people every day looking for Internet search products and services. The internet store is growing from year to year and is considered as a convenient way to buy products, where you can also buy at any time of the day.

1) Lower set up and running costs than an offline businesses

The cost of launching real ecommerce website is lower than that of offline companies. All sales for your business are automated online. In this way, you save money on staff salaries and other business expenses that usually costs such as energy, rental and heating costs. The money you have saved can be used for the development of your website and product range. Ecommerce websites also help expand your product offering faster than is often the case in terms of offline business.

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2) The business can be operated from anywhere

E-commerce websites reduce geographic constraints that you usually face when working in an office. You can be anywhere in the world and successfully manage your business in the field of e-commerce. The most important elements you need to control your e-commerce site from anywhere; access to email, Internet and phone.

3) Scale-ability

E-commerce websites are very effective, allowing you to determine which products are successfully sold to increase the stock level of these products. In addition, these successful products can be diversified to develop a wide range of products for sale through the website. This will allow you to develop your business in terms of sales, customer portfolio and profits. Amazon website, dedicated to online shopping, successfully developed products throughout the zoom range, and careful control of what is sold to customers. It is, therefore, allowed them to quickly diversify their product range in many sectors.

4) No opening time restrictions

On e-commerce websites do not limit your prospects as they can view your website at any time. This means that as a company you maximize your sales and profits.

Key sales strategies you can use to increase sales on the Internet are selling and cross selling. Upselling involves offering products directly related to the products that the customer has just chosen to purchase. Products with a very low cost, so the customer does not have to think about it, and usually complement the purchase you just made, making it an easy decision when buying. By doing this, you encourage an increase in the average basket.

Read Also: 10 Wonderful Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds

5) More measurable than other sales approaches

You may be thinking, how do I know I will succeed, will I evaluate the results? Ecommerce websites are actually highly measurable and tracked using systems like Google Analytics. You can view the statistics, including the number of orders processed on your site, the average amount of baskets, the limit rate, and the percentage of total revenue your site has received at regular intervals.

Spending on e-commerce advertising is also lower than many other forms of advertising. You can use a search engine optimization strategy to increase the page rank of your website in search engines. It will be a constant current monthly investment. SEO – is an effective way to encourage new customers to reach your site.

6) Less time intensive

Once your ecommerce website was originally established, you do not have to spend much time on your launch. This is due to the fact that the entire process of buyers of orders and payments is activated through the online system. This will give you more time to identify new products you want to sell, special offers, you want to run, and to track your sales successfully. You can also identify trends, in terms of the products being sold the most successful.

7) Higher margins and better cashflow

If your business is involved and sold in the retail sector, e-commerce site will allow you to sell at a higher price. This will make the profit you get on your products even higher. Purchase and payment options on these sites also means that you get 100% customer payment right away. This will improve your cash flow, especially when customers usually offer you payments in several tranches.

There are also several reliable payment systems you can have for your e-commerce website, including; PayPal, Checkout, Sage Payment Solutions, WordPay and more. This will ensure that the successful processing of your payment transactions to your business will effectively receive payments.

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10 Wonderful Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds

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Sesame seeds may be small, but they have huge health benefits. They were worth their weight in gold in the Middle Ages, and for many good reasons.

1. Full of Great Protein

Sesame seeds are filled with great quality protein. Proteins make up 20 percent of seeds with 4.7 grams of protein per ounce.

2. Helps Prevent Diabetes

Sesame seeds include magnesium and other nutrients. It was shown that sesame oil keep away diabetes, and also improves the blood glucose level in hypersensitive diabetics.

3. Reduces Blood Pressure

The same previous study shows how sesame oil lowers blood pressure in diabetics. Sesame seeds are filled with magnesium – key nutrients that are known to help lower blood pressure.

We are accustomed to seeing white sesame seeds used in cooking, but black sesame seeds are richer in certain nutrients.

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4. Lowers Cholesterol

Sesame helps to lower cholesterol, since it contains phytosterols, which block the production of cholesterol. Black sesame seeds are especially rich in phytosterols.

5. Good for Digestion

The high fiber content of sesame seeds helps intestinal excretion.

6. For Healthy Skin

The high zinc content helps make collagen, giving elasticity to the skin and helps fix damaged tissue. Regular use of sesame oil can reduce skin cancer. More information on the benefits of sesame for the skin.

7. Boosts Heart Health

Sesame seeds can help heart health by preventing atherosclerotic lesions using an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound known as sesamol.

Read Also: Fantastic Benefits To The Skin, Hair And Health of Urad dal

8. Prevents Cancer

Sesame seeds contain anti-cancer compounds, including phytic acid, magnesium and phytosterols. Sesame seeds have the highest content of phytosterols in all seeds and nuts.

9. Helps Lessen Anxiety

Sesame seeds contain magnesium tension emollients and mineral calcium. Sesame also contains soothing vitamins thiamine and tryptophan, which helps to produce serotonin, which reduces pain, helps the mood and helps you sleep soundly.

10. Alleviates Anemia

Black sesame seeds are particularly rich in iron. They are recommended for patients with anemia and weakness.

Read Also: Surprising Health Benefits of Mung Beans

Top 10 Amazing Benefits of Onions for Hair

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Rich in anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, the use of a onion for hair really helps keep hair loss at bay. Here are 10 amazing ways in which hair can benefit from the use of onions:

1. They are very good at nourishing the hair follicle and help restore nutrients lost in the scalp.

2. They are rich in sulfur, which is known to minimize destruction and thinning.They have potent antibacterial properties and help fight infections of the scalp.

3. This, in turn, helps reduce hair loss, scalp infections can cause massive hair loss.

Read Also: Fantastic Benefits To The Skin, Hair And Health of Urad dal

4. They, of course, potent antioxidants, so they help undo the effects of premature aging.

5. This vegetable gives a healthy shine to the hair that can become permanent when used regularly.

6. Studies have shown that they have the ability to prevent head and neck cancer.

7. They also make your hair uninhabitable for lice.

8. Add a volume, using the onion juice for the hair.

9. They can be used to remove dandruff due to its rich antibacterial properties.

10. They improve blood circulation, which is another way to contribute to hair growth.

If you want to buy Myanmar onion, you can visit at, which is Myanmar’s first and the only B2B international trading platform that engage local and global market.